Sunday, 5 May 2013

Marriage Counselling PT 2

You know its a deep situation when you need counselling before you get married....

Today we went to marriage counselling and we discussed the role of a wife. I found this session quite amusing because it took over 3 hours to discuss this function whereas it took an hour to discuss the role of a husband. I guess the time spent on the topics are representative of how complex the role is.

The wife is expected to be submissive, keep the home and honour her husband. It doesn't seem too difficult when it's written down but when each one is broken down into small pieces it can be a lot to take in. In the model marriage book that we are using there were 3 chapters dedicated to the role of a woman and 1 for the role of the husband. 

Now, as a child I grew up listening to Destinys Child Independent Woman so this concept of giving up my independence and rely on a guy to make decisions is one of the hardest things that I'm probably gonna have to do. I have an opinion on absolutely everything and letting someone else take the lead will be like taking 50 Cent to a Justin Bieber concert..painful and unbearable.

Before the session today this was my mentality:

Marriage cannot work if both people do not try at all times to be the best that they can be. I'm not saying its not going to be a struggle because to do what I've been taught today goes against every bone in my body! But love makes you do crazy things....And I'm going to die trying if it means making my marriage work. 

So when we are old and grey we will still be happy and madly in love with each other!