I recently watched - Act like a lady, Think like a man and there are certain aspects of it that caught my attention. In my humble opinion a lot of the principles that were discussed definitely had some truth to it and it was good to hear about relationships from a mans point of view. It made me think back to uni times when I stood up in front of approx. 50 uni students and gave my views on what is needed for a successful relationship...#lol
I call it the 5C's and I wouldn't say it is a conclusive list of what you need but it is definitely a good start...
Character - "The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual" The spouse you choose must have a good character. This means fundamentally they need to be someone honest, kind, loving, peaceful etc. Someone who treats their parents with respect, faithful to their friends and knows right from wrong. A good character is priceless and can make the difference between love and lust.
Christian - Someone who has a relationship with God - this doesn't mean a regular church attender or someone in the choir but someone who actually loves God and takes guidance from the Bible. This is essential because when someone is under the authority of God they understand the principles of unconditional love, forgiveness and peace.
Chemistry - There is absolutely no point in being in a relationship with someone you are not attracted to!!! I'm not saying that the whole world needs to look at your spouse and think WOW! But you need to look at them and know that there's no-one else you's rather be with...of course there are exceptions: Tyrese, The Rock, Halle and Bey BUT apart from that the person you're with needs to be your cup of tea or your eyes will wander, you'll cheat and get Aids.
Career minded - The person you choose needs to have an idea of what they want to be when they grow up, lol...basically they need to have some sort of plan. Not everyone is going to be a CEO, some people will bel cleaners, but they don't need to stop there, they can have a cleaning company one day or even have a part time ebay business. If you get with someone who never thinks about the future and is content on minimum wage you need to advise yourself!
Cash Management - I'm not saying I'm a gold digga, but I aint messing with no broke....Basically they don't need to have a lot of cash, but they need to know how to manage the cash they have! If they are constantly spending on their credit card ad they aint got no money...then you need to know it will create problems in the future..Money is one of the main reasons people in serious relationships breakdown.
Today is my lil sister Giftys' birthday so I took the day off so I could spend some time with her and the fam...She's on half term so it worked out great...Taking her to the cinema now so have to cut this short but I will be expanding on the link between this and Think like a man...2moz...hopefully
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