Everyone knows what happens when you want to be a Princess but you don't have the Queens blessing - Ask Princess Diana. Therefore, it was very important to me that Princes' parents liked me.
We had everything planned out, we would land in Accra in the evening, spend the night and fly to Kumasi the next afternoon. If only it had been that simple...So we woke up in the morning feeling amazing coz the weather was on point, we had fresh bread and fanta that tasted like a little piece of heaven. My grandma called me and said she wanted to see us before we went to Kumasi; we agreed because my grandparents house is only 15 mins from the airport.
One reason why I love Ghana is having a driver!!! I say this in regards to safety not luxury...The drivers in Ghana are crazy, irrational and hilarious all at the same time. There is no such thing as right of way and stopping at a red light is not mandatory. Therefore, even though Prince and I have been driving for a few years, we needed a driver to escort us to the airport.
My mums twin sister decided to give us her driver - "Oko". So its over 35 degrees, Prince, Joseph, Jessica, My cousin Eugene and I are all in the car trying not to die from the heat. Oko is convinced he knows the way to my grandparents house so we are all relaxing. It was 10am when we left and our flight wasn't till 2. My grandparents live 45mins away so we had plenty of time to spare, before check in at 12.30. To cut a very long story short Oko had no idea where he was going and we ended up missing our flight. (I will expand on this story on my post -The Ghana Trip:15 Minutes)
I ended up having to haggle at the airport for new tickets...which don't get me wrong was a success but left me drained. This ended up being a blessing because I forgot about the stress of meeting Princes' parents and focussed on getting us out of the situation.
The flight to Kumasi was short and sweet. There was nothing but a door separating me from Princes dad!!! Sooooo many thoughts were running through my head: hug? handshake? smile? act formal? kneel? stand straight? In the end I ended up bending down, giving a handshake, acting formal immediately followed by a hug and a smile whilst saying hello daddy all at the same time! It was exhausting and it must have looked very awkward. But it didn't matter to him because he literally loved me at first sight.
His mum was waiting to greet us at home so I had the car journey to prepare myself for the main event - The Queen. Picture this: You haven't seen your mum for a while and you call her to inform her that you're coming to Ghana, bringing your fiance and doing your traditional wedding within the same week. Erm, if I was his mum I would have lost it...like seriously lost it.
This was the moment I had been training for...I had learnt three key phrases in twi. Good evening, This food is delicious and I love your son sooo much. But then as I got closer to the house I started thinking she may react like this:
But when I met her, all of that went out of my head and I hugged her tight and appreciated her for bringing up such an amazing man. It was the perfect moment and even though Ghana is ridiculous and there was no electricity - from the torch light I could see she had the same smile as her son and I knew everything would be alright.
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