Friday, 3 May 2013


Today I thought it would be a good idea to do some exercise so I went to meet Prince at the gym after work. I decided to do a few classes because I needed motivation...Zumba and Yoga. I like dancing so Zumba was ok I'm not going to spend too much time discussing that. But Yoga. Ok. But why?

When the class started I was feeling quite confident:

I was letting all the positive energy in and all the negative energy out:

Then the instructor got over- excited:

I over-estimated my abilities:

 My mind was telling me yes...but my body, my body...

 Was telling me no...

I don't see nothing wrong...with a little yoga BUT it aint for me and due to this I will blog properly  tomorrow when I'm not hystreical in tears about the pain my body is in and when I don't need to dictate to Prince what to write coz I can't feel my fingers.

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