Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Today, I  am forcing myself to think happy thoughts because it's got to that point where I just feel that nobody understands what I'm going through. Therefore, I've decided to think happy thoughts...By focusing on a few things:

1. My family...I decided to pimp out my desk at work so I can be constantly surrounded by the people who mean the most to me (the one who doesn't want to be named didn't want her picture shown)

2. My bridesmaids dress:

3. Carbs:

All 3 of these things have helped me to calm down considerably. Getting married is a big deal, the wedding will pass. It's the thought of being 100% sure that you want to spend the next 60-70 years with the same person, every single day until the day you die. #toodeep

I am just happy that Prince gives me jokes because to be honest if you're going to be with someone for that amount of time, you may aswell laugh you way through it...#timeflieswhenyou'rehavingfun

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