It started with me waking up bare early coz I was soooo excited, I face timed Jessica and text Makda. I then received a call from Arnya saying that she was popping over. She rode up in a car which I looked alot like this:
After re-assessing my life as to why I don't drive a car like this...I decided to go and visit Priya sp she could assist me in getting ready! She is a marriage make up artist in the making and this was her end result:
After that I went to Renee's house to get changed and straighten my hair...I had 3 outfits to pick from but I think I made the right choice:
I then made my way to my house where Makda, Jessica, Marilyn, Michelle and Vee were decorating and setting up. I had to make a couple of stops on the way - pick up Yvonne, Sabrina and some bottles of water. These people had from 11 in the morning to set up but I got there at 3 and they still were not ready for me to come in...However, when I walked in and saw the posters it put a huge smile on my face:
They got me a chocolate fountain too!!!!!!!!! So on point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We then played games organised by the host Ms Makda Sahelu. One of the best games was the toilet roll wedding dress game:
Will have to continue this tomorrow COZ a lot went down...but the main thing I want to do is thank Makda for organising the Bridal shower and to Jessica and Marilyn for supporting her. I appreciate everything you guys did and I know I was not easy to deal with...Love ya x
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