Sunday, 16 June 2013

Bridal Shower Pt 2.

The day was fully on point... I'm so thankful for my friends and family for making it the special day that it was...

It started with me waking up bare early coz I was soooo excited, I face timed Jessica and text Makda. I then received a call from Arnya saying that she was popping over. She rode up in a car which I looked alot like this:

After re-assessing my life as to why I don't drive a car like this...I decided to go and visit Priya sp she could assist me in getting ready! She is a marriage make up artist in the making and this was her end result:

After that I went to Renee's house to get changed and straighten my hair...I had 3 outfits to pick from but I think I made the right choice:

I then made my way to my house where Makda, Jessica, Marilyn, Michelle and Vee were decorating and setting up. I had to make a couple of stops on the way - pick up Yvonne, Sabrina and some bottles of water. These people had from 11 in the morning to set up but I got there at 3 and they still were not ready for me to come in...However, when I walked in and saw the posters it put a huge smile on my face:

They got me a chocolate fountain too!!!!!!!!! So on point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We then played games organised by the host Ms Makda Sahelu. One of the best games was the toilet roll wedding dress game:

They had 5 minutes to make a beautiful wedding dress - Jessica's team dress was too butters..I tried to upload but it nearly cracked my screen...

Will have to continue this tomorrow COZ a lot went down...but the main thing I want to do is thank Makda for organising the Bridal shower and to Jessica and Marilyn for  supporting her. I appreciate everything you guys did and I know I was not easy to deal with...Love ya x

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