Wednesday, 19 June 2013

45 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

45 days to go and I'm still 100% sure and so in love with Prince, that it no longer makes sense!!! Somebody pinch me!!! I feel like it's all a dream. When I look back and think about all the people who doubted us, it makes me laugh.

So much stuff needs to get sorted...45 days seems long but it's actually going to fly by...why is my life so peak??? I went to the venue today to sort out the fine details and the guy was turning me into a bridezilla...why is it so hard for people to understand simple instructions? I'm not a diva, not a perfectionist, just want things done properly...I only plan to get married 3 times...( To the same guy...calm down)

I don't know what it is about 45 but it made the wedding seem really close so I decided to start a new diet. It's really strict so I'm TRYING to stick to it as much as possible but I feel so deprived and depressed...but as you know from previous blogs, it's the only true way to lose weight!

On a serious level tho, the lady below:

She lost nearly double my weight and I'm just trying to lose 1.5 stone and it's an issue??? The weight does not want to shift!!! I know what you're thinking..."you're marrying a personal trainer!" Well done einstein! It's still hard coz I love food way too much! Our relationship has never had ups and downs...I love food to the  fullest...even though deep down I want to be able to upload a pic like this:

Me and food are going to have to go on a break coz that wedding dress doesn't care if I'm a princess or not...if I don't fit, I don't fit...#simple

1 comment:

  1. Try Intermittent Fasting! Not sure if your PT fiance will agree but fasting 16-18 hours a day with a 6-8 hour eating window during the day will do wonders. Stick to whatever eating plan you've got, but instead of spreading it out over the 16 hours that you're usually awake for you eat your daily supply in that small window. It's not unhealthy, your body will be ok providing you eat enough when you do and eat the right kind of healthy filling foods (keep the protein high!). And if you can pull it off, do your workouts in fasted state (have a sugar free energy drink beforehand). The idea is that if your body hasn't received food, it'll switch to fat burning for energy. When you give it food, it stops. So if possible plan your workouts so that they end about 2 hours before you are due to eat. Yes, you workout with no food, and then wait 2 hours after till you eat. Call me crazy as hell but you're not trying to build significant muscle, you are trying to lose fat and maintain what you have currently. Good luck :D
