Wednesday, 26 June 2013

38 days...

I've been homeless for the past 2 days thats why my blogs have been a bit anorexic...I considered a few options to get me out of my predicament:

Today, I nearly had a panic's just going to fast! There is so much that needs to be done...most people are extremely unhelpful and the others are indifferent.I called my cousin today to ask what song she thinks I should walk down the aisle to...she replied, "African Queen" . REALLY????!!!!! Who in this world has ever walked down the aisle with their dad to African Queen!!!! She probably just wanted to sabotage my wedding!!!! And I guess she would want my flower girls and page boys to walk to:

My other cousin who is already a size 8, decided to tell me that she has bought some diet pills!!!! Are you being serious??? Why is she trying to take the piss out of my life!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I didn't feel bad enough she gonna me looking like a size 0 and I'm gonna be looking like a mug, great!!!

This picture has no relevance...just made me crack up!!! My last complaint of today is my table plan!!! Africans hate to rsvp and it's actually merking my life!!! Coz I actually have to remember every "aunty" and "uncle" I have because they refuse to RSVP because I should know they are coming!!!! Lovely...

If you are reading this, you are invited and you haven't RSVP'd just know you will be sitting on a table with randoms #thatisall

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