Friday, 7 June 2013

Guess who's back???

*No offence*

Okie, like JME would say, it's time to get serious!!! My last couple of blogs have been flops coz tbh time goes so fast these the time I get home, feed the Prince, it's bed time. Today, I have decided to make time out of my ridiculous schedule to update you on this mess I call a life.

I still haven't watched the Game of Thrones episode that everyone was hyping about because:

1. I'm a cocuple of episodes behind
2. I never have any time
3. I don't rate my life

I know people who never hype about anything, but when this episode dropped, they got more hype than ravers when POW comes on in a rave. So, I'm pretty sure the episode is going to be fully on point!

Still haven't found any where to live but have a couple of viewings lined up...we're going to be living somewhere in East London. My mum is not too pleased and has said she is NEVER going to visit us unless we live max. 30 minutes away. But, she always says things of that nature so I'm not taking her too seriously...

However, if you know me, you'll know I always have a back up plan! I checked travel lodge and staying there for a whole month, will come up to the same as staying in a decent apartment...See where I'm going? All bills included...maids cleaning the service!!!

Another thing I am yet to material for my lacemaids! I have been completely ignoring their existence but I have given myself a deadline to get it sorted! Wth is wrong with me! Either my girls are amazingly patient or they don't really care or they don't have money to spend on material. Actually, it could be a combination of the reasons above or even all 3. I have decided not to loose any friends over this wedding, just demote people to spectators. The amount of ridiculous excuses I've heard from people who are basically just flops is incredible. I just pretend like what they said is perfectly understandable then laugh about it with Jessica and Prince. It's not 2 faced, it's keeping the peace...ok, maybe it's a little 2 faced but if you were not such a flop, it wouldn't happen. Yup, I'm talking about you. If you ask me, if this is about you and I deny's still about you. KMT!

I did so well on my exercise and dieting last week! But this week I actually haven't been bothered...I've been starving myself for half of the day, then eating like a mad person for half of the day. So basically I'm probably eating the right amount of calories butr not in a smart way so my body might just store up the food as fat etc etc.Going zumba tonight to make myself feel better, then will try and do a couple of boxing vids before I go sleep, so as Tiffany Rothe says, " I can be a boxer babe"!

 I also bought some new gym clothes coz when I look better, I feel better. "You must not feel good very often!", is probably what my sister who doesn't like to be named is saying in her head right now!!! Bite me!!!!!!!!!

Jessica my amazing Maid of Honour, has sorted out my make up artist and pretty much everything else coz like I said previously she's amazing. I dedicate my come back blog to her coz I appreciate the crap out of her for keeping me sane and organised...

Lol, funny thing is..she doesn't even really care about the title and I know for a fact that with or without the title she would still do everything that she's doing now coz love looks past bridezilla behaviour #truestories

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