Friday, 31 May 2013

5 C's continued....

Think like a man was on point because there was a character that everyone could kind of relate to...


Her character was in summary a girl that wanted love but was looking for it in the wrong places because her character wasn't completely developed. She needed to understand her self worth before guys would respect her. It was nice seeing her transition into someone who set the barriers high and if more women did this there would be less STD's...sharing is caring, unless it's aids.


The girl who has been in a relationship for 3 years and over...and wants to get married or move to the next level. Some people are more than content to stay boyfriend/girlfriend forever and that's cool. What is deep is when the girl has been with the guy for so long she just expects it to happen and then it doesn't. I think, in this situation you definitely need to think like a man coz when something no longer makes sense - they leave... Another solution would be to get with a Christian who believes that marriage is good and whoever finds a wife, finds a good thing.


Men usually don't want baby mama drama but because he was attracted to her and they had chemistry - her kid and her age didn't matter to him. Chemistry is important because it breaks through barriers, it makes you go for people you may not usually go allows you to give people a chance. The thing about chemistry is - you either have it or you don't.

Career minded:

The reason why he was single because he wasn't career minded and couldn't hold a job because he kept dreaming and not doing anything about it. Their chemistry was so on point... but she was quite high up in her  company and he was a waiter. The possibility of a relationship with her made him become more serious and he started to put plans in place and by the end of the movie, he had a business.

Cash management:

He had money but he didn't know what to do with it...he's good looking but if he's going to talk about the amount of money he has all the time or put you in debt with silly spending habits #kickhim2thecurb

Thursday, 30 May 2013


I completely forgot that I hadn't blogged today because I started writing it earlier but left it incomplete and it's gonna be so on point that I don't want to post it in parts...

But basically I got home late because I went to view a house, then went to costco to eat the best chicken wings eva!!! Then came home and started watching:

It was on point. If I could go back to 13 again....what would I do different??? Erase people!!!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


I got home, bare tired!!!!!!!!!!! Met up with my high school friend Hasmeen:

Who thought it would be a good idea to eat this in fronjt of me even though she knew I'm on a strict depressing diet:

When she was eating I literally wanted to choke the life out of her, but we technically grew up together and even though I see her once a year, she's practically family.

I will never forget the 1st time I met her in year 7, she loved So Solid and started rapping, she is still to this day the most gangsta asian person I have ever met:

Anyways, I had a dry piece of chicken and some tap water...spoke about Prince and I for 75% of the time and looked at her amazing physique and wished I was in better shape...

If you want someone to blame for me being too tired to continue writing about 5C's please blame Hasmeen #thatisall

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

5 C's

I recently watched - Act like a lady, Think like a man and there are certain aspects of it that caught my attention. In my humble opinion a lot of the principles that were discussed definitely had some truth to it and it was good to hear about relationships from a mans point of view. It made me think back to uni times when I stood up in front of approx. 50 uni students and gave my views on what is needed for a successful relationship...#lol

I call it the 5C's and I wouldn't say it is a conclusive list of what you need but it is definitely a good start...

Character - "The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual" The spouse you choose must have a good character. This means fundamentally they need to be someone honest, kind, loving, peaceful etc. Someone who treats their parents with respect, faithful to their friends and knows right from wrong. A good character is priceless and can make the difference between love and lust.

Christian - Someone who has a relationship with God - this doesn't mean a regular church attender or someone in the choir but someone who actually loves God and takes guidance from the Bible. This is essential because when someone is under the authority of God they understand the principles of unconditional love, forgiveness and peace.

Chemistry - There is absolutely no point in being in a relationship with someone you are not attracted to!!! I'm not saying that the whole world needs to look at your spouse and think WOW! But you need to look at them and know that there's no-one else you's rather be with...of course there are exceptions: Tyrese, The Rock, Halle and Bey BUT apart from that the person you're with needs to be your cup of tea or your eyes will wander, you'll cheat and get Aids.

Career minded - The person you choose needs to have an idea of what they want to be when they grow up, lol...basically they need to have some sort of plan. Not everyone is going to be a CEO, some people will bel cleaners, but they don't need to stop there, they can have a cleaning company one day or even have a part time ebay business. If you get with someone who never thinks about the future and is content on minimum wage you need to advise yourself!

Cash Management - I'm not saying I'm a gold digga, but I aint messing with no broke....Basically they don't need to have a lot of cash, but they need to know how to manage the cash they have! If they are constantly spending on their credit card ad they aint got no money...then you need to know it will create problems in the future..Money is one of the main reasons people in serious relationships breakdown.

Today is my lil sister Giftys' birthday so I took the day off so I could spend some time with her and the fam...She's on half term so it worked out great...Taking her to the cinema now so have to cut this short but I will be expanding on the link between this and Think like a man...2moz...hopefully

Monday, 27 May 2013

Things are looking up...

I bought wedding shoes...YAY!

I ordered flower girl dresses...YAY!

I cooked some fried rice...TASTY!

I went shopping...FUN!

Annoyed my sister, who doesn't like to be named...LOL!

I'm watching what I eat and I'm exercising...

Things are DEF looking up...

After 2 days of being careful with food, my hypothesis was need to be depressed to lose any substantial amount of weight...Therefore, I looked for lots of motivational pictures to help me on my journey:

This is my screen saver...

This face finds its way into my dreams and turns it into a nightmare...

I plan to try this if it gets really bad...
My bank holiday has been quite productive and I took tomorrow off so the fun will continue...

Sunday, 26 May 2013

69 #lol

#69 is amazing but not as amazing as hannah spelt backwards

Today was yet another session of marriage counselling and it was quite insightful because we spoke about step children and divorce. You probably think this is a bit strange but the marriage counselor knows that sometimes things don't always turn out to be 'ideal' and you must gain knowledge in all areas.

The thing I love most about our group sessions are how the couples are so vocal about their partners weaknesses...One guy in particular is so obvious with it that I sometimes feel sorry for his future wife...but he does it in such a jokes way, that I can't even stop myself from laughing with everyone else...

Eg. Could you please explain the point you mentioned earlier when you said, "Don't tell your friends about all your issues in marriage" Then he smiles at the end of the sentence and it's so obvious that he just wants to reinforce the point to his fiance.

I love my counselling sessions and I'm happy that I have an opportunity to learn about the fundamental skills I will need to have a successful marriage. Now, that I've hit the 60's it's kinda scary but the anticipation is killing me!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

70 days till the wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like a different person today..I'm actually showing some self control in regards to food...I have been tempted but I have stayed strong! I feel good danananana, I knew that I would dananananana

Anyways it's 70 days  to go and I know it's going to fly by! So I'm appreciating every day that I'm still single (not available but not married)

Today I did something productive..I started looking for my ideal wedding ring, which wasn't easy because my engagement ring is so amazing that I didn't want it sitting on any piece of metal...

The sentence I originally wrote out under this ring was sounding way too much like bragging and was very insensitive so I deleted it. But anyways, these are a few wedding bands I saw on my travels:

This one looked silly, because it was just 1 random diamond in the middle
This one was too flashy whereas my engagement ring is more classy and traditional
I decided that something like this would be best, simple and sentimental.

If I get a ring like this, I will be smiling like this in all my pictures...

Friday, 24 May 2013


So today was casual friday and I had a dilemma...WHAT TO WEAR...when there are mad people all around me...I've always been a fan of survival of the fittest so I had to think strategically. But who should I be scared off crazy British people who want revenge on the terrorists or scary terrorists who want revenge on the British people.

I don't actually know who is more scary so I thought the best thing to do was mix it up! I decided to wear an army t-shirt with a hijab...

My first attempt with the hijab wasn't great...just looked like a mug having a bad hair day...

Second attempt was slightly better but I am blatantly not a pro! So now appropriately dressed, I had to decide what I was going to do if I was approached...If it was a British lunatic then I'd blame the rain for wearing a hijab and if it was a terrorist I would use my shakers to distract them:

I had a little dance planned and everything...but the weather was butters so I guess no-one was in the mood to be out on the street cutting people...

After work, decided to meet up with Jessy and we ended up doing a lil vid for our fans...

I haven't forgotten that this blog is supposed to be about the countdown to my wedding so yh...Jess and I have sorted out the key songs for the wedding, I'm still and a fatty and I still need to sort my life out.

Peace Out, A Town.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Leaving the UK

Lol, this blog is just becoming somewhere for me to moan...BUT seriously what is going on in this country!!!

This behaviour is getting ridiculous. Who wakes up one morning and think yh I'm gonna run over a soldier, drag him to the middle of the road and cut him up!!! Sick people. There is no excuse. Ok, soldiers being in Afghanistan is completely unnecessary and has done more harm than good but how is killing one soldier going to make that right? They obviously did not get their GCSE's.

What upsets me more is this guy:

He had the audacity to speak to the public and try to justify his actions! What got to me especially was his BRITISH be fair if I had closed my eyes, I would have thought it was a guy from my local barber shop...cracking jokes...but nope, this guy decided to go extreme after probably watching years of propoganda (one sided footage).

So I've decided this country is no longer safe and I need to go somewhere I don't need to jump off the tube when I see a dodgy person, avoid army bases and constantly scream random things in the street so people don't approach me!

I'm gonna go somewhere like this: (Bora Bora)

Where all my problems will be a distant memory...I won't even need to fit into a stupid wedding dress because it will be too hot...#teambeachbody

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Eloping in Las Vegas

Basically, yesterday I couldn't blog properly because I was late for my train and today... My Internet at home doesn't want to work! So I am restricted to using my phone for today's blog and it is a butters situation!!! I'm typing like Prince does on a keyboard - with 2 fingers!!??

Anyway, I was going to write about the stress of writing a wedding program when you have to fill in details like hymns, readings, bridesmaids, groomsmen etc. when our minds are constantly changing and people are showing their real colours.

How am I going to resolve this problem??? Not have names or specific details on the program.

It will look something like this:

Officiating ministers

Order of service

Small paragraph thanking God

Seriously if I didn't have a mum, wedding planner and Jess constantly on my case, I would probably have just given up and eloped in Las Vegas!!!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Prince bday #part3

Aas we were walking to the Chinese restaurant, I saw Priya, Joseph and Isaac drive past and I did my best to distract Prince so he wouldn't notice...It was too much pressure" Luckily, there was a long queue so I told him to wait in it whilst I went to the "toilet". Instead, I located the table and told them that Prince and I were in the queue and Isaac et al. were on the way...

It was my job to distract Prince whilst they walked into the restaurant...have to catch my train but going to post now just in-case I get home after midnight.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Prince bday #part2

The truth of the matter is, Prince doesn't really like birthdays but as it was his 25th birthday, I wanted to organise a special day that he would never forget.The only details I gave him was to be ready by 10.15, to wear sport clothes and to bring a change of clothes...

I had everything planned, there were a few details that needed finalising here and there but on the whole I knew what I was doing...the only thing that slightly annoyed me was that I was having to rely on people not to ruin the surprise. My little sister Becky was the first one to flop...and I had to pretend like what she said was of no importance even though in my head I was knocking her out!!! However, threats like this don't bother her...that girl is way too brave!

Moving on swiftly, I picked him up and coz I was running late as usual I wasn't able to prepare breakfast (bread and butter) for him as I usually we passed through Mcdonalds...this smoothie was intense!!!

The next stop was the golf lesson with the pro...which was a present from my parents. This was particularly jokes because the instructor complimented Prince so much it nearly got uncomfortable for me to watch...he was extremely impressed with Prince and I could just see his head swelling up!!! He was throwing around comments like WOW, FANTASTIC and YOU MUST HAVE PLAYED GOLF BEFORE...Prince was giggling like yh I'm sick. He loves to win. Everything is a competition. We then went to a driving range - courtesy of Lil Ms Becky(8yrs) ...who parted with her pocket money just for Prince to have a smile on his face.

As you can imagine after 4 hours of golf, we were famished. So we headed to Harvesters courtesy of Sarah to enjoy some well deserved ribs...

You could probably guess what happened next...niggeritis kicked in...for those who don't know what that means it's when after eating, you incontrollably fall asleep

45 mins later..we went bowling courtesy of lil Ms Gifty (11 yrs) who knew that Prince loves beating everyone and rubbing it in their faces with his embarassing victory dance! Unsuprisingly he beat me...luckily not as bad as he usually does so I was able to walk out with my head high..

After that, we went to watch what I believe is one of the best films that has been released this year:

The cars were on point, the jokes were on point and last but not least the bodies were on point!!!! I have liked Tyrese from day......but on this particular occasion he was not the highlight...#snm

Normally, Prince likes to wait till after ALL the credits to see the short skit at the end...bit I had to find an excuse for us to leave because I knew that people were waiting patiently for him at the Chinese restaurant for the surprise meal...#TBC

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Prince bday #part1

Ghanaian Tiger Woods

Look at those muscles...

What a poser...

First round of pics from Princes bday extravaganza more pics and text will be added 2moz...

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Ain't nobody got time for that...

I've been up since 7am planning and executing Prince's birthday extravaganza...which to be very brief consisted of:

  • Golf lesson with a pro
  • Driving range
  • Harvesters
  • Bowling
  • Cinema
  • Suprise bday meal
So believe me when I's been a long day and...

But because...

I will write about exactly what went down in tomorrows blog along with marriage counselling shenanigans...

Friday, 17 May 2013

Roses are red...

Today has been so hectic I actually forgot about my blog....

Roses are red
Violets are blue
If your man is busy on valentines day
Then the side chick is you...

You're probably thinking random...but watch how I'm going to link it.....

It's Princes birthday tomorrow - I'm spending the day with him and we're gonna have a lovely time. Now, if your girlfriend/boyfriend doesn't spend any major occasions with you...(insert assumption here)

I'm thinking of writing this in his birthday card - which I haven't bought yet

Roses are red
Violets are blue
The sun shines as bright
As my love does for you...

But then he might reply with:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Garbage is dumped
Now so are you...

So I'm going to stick with the traditional:

Happy Birthday Prince,

You are smart, good looking, funny and remind me a lot of myself. With each year I will love you more.
Because you're the gift in my life, my gift to you is my love.


Thursday, 16 May 2013

79 days to go!!!!

Literally feels like yesterday that I started this blog...tbh it feels like yesterday I was in uni, high school and pampers...Now I'm nearly a married woman and it feels like I'm pretending to be a grown up. This wedding is coming fast and it's like I don't have time to breathe...there's always something to be done! I think I need to go yoga again to give me something else to be stressed out about... People do't take me seriously when I say I'm stressed because it only lasts for a minute, but it feels so intense...

79 days to go: I need to finalise my bridal party, write my wedding program, find money to pay for everything, buy my shoes, choose wedding songs, speak to my photographer and videographer, get the groomsmen to order suits..and I keep saying tomorrow....

I'm going against my number 1 rule in life and relying on people to help me get through this time...hate relying on people because I get disappointed and I'd rather be pleasantly suprised than feel let down any day of the week...

So tomorrow will be 78 days and I will be one day closer to my big day...I will def make movements on my ever growing 2 do list and I'll live happily ever after..with the man of my dreams, the sugar in my tea, the Prince of Kumasi

When he makes me laugh...I forget about all my worries. My life is pretty live, God has been good.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Why always me???

Only difference between me and Balotelli is his, "why always me?" is in relation to greatness but my "why always me?" is a genuine question. Today started ok, I was jamming and chillaxing with my Prince in the car on the way to work. I then went on the train and was chatting away with Jessica...I transferred to the central line at Stratford...Got off the tube, went in to my bag to check my emails on my phone and it was gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 That was only the beginning of my troubles....I didn't h ave the best day at work, but tbh don't feel like discussing this further. I left work with great anticipation of a boxing class at the gym. I forgot my kit was in the boot so I entered the gym then had to go all the way back down to the carpark. The security guy opened the gate and I walked all the way to the car before I keys were gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It made me think of this joker:

So I missed my boxing class, which means I'm one step further from reaching my target of looking like this:

Prince is so disappointed in me...since I haven't actually trained for at least the past month. Today was supposed to be the start of my hardcore regime but after life knocks you down like it did me only find comfort in lazyness and food. I'm slipping faster than mufasa when scar pushed him off the cliff...

Prince asked me today...don't you have a wedding dress you need to fit into? If a girl on road had said that to me..I would have reacted like this...

But he's my baby so I didn't let it get to me instead I thought of what every successful person always says...if you do something you are passionate about you will be great...So I got to thinking about my next career move:

There are lots of suffering people who are struggling to put on weight...this could be my expertise...