Tuesday, 16 July 2013

18 days!!!! #howdidthishappen

18 craaaaap...it's getting closer and closer....it's like I'm trapped in between 2 walls and they are about to crush me!!! Being engaged is like suffocating! I can't explain it too well but it's all a bit strange...

You can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you can't quite reach it...You're trapped in between being single and married...it's a weird one

As you can see from my posts, when it gets bad it really gets bad...I literally went through 2 weeks of 1 sentence posts...and that was because the stress of it all, the late nights it just accumulates and you just pass out!

My body is now accustomed to 5 hours sleep because that's all I can afford to get nowadays...so much stuff going on in my life at the moment and I feel like I need a hobby or something to get my mind of life in general...

Today, after work I headed to the gym to meet Prince...since me actually working out has become a myth! I am considering liposuction!!!It's so tempting...I keep seeing adverts in the metro...it's like £100, which is actually in the grand scheme of things...cheap for a flat tummy!!! Anyways after I met Prince we went to our yard, where we were supposed to sort out some wedding stuff but instead Prince decided to sleep....lovely.

So I got in to a bit of a strop...he finally woke up...we were able to do wedding stuff for 5 mins then it was time for me to catch my train back to Slough...it was a very unproductive trip, but it was kinda worth it coz when I see him and I'm with him..I feel like nothing else matters...except for planning wedding stuff KMT!!!

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