Saturday, 3 August 2013

Wedding day

It was all I dreamed it would be...I thank God, my husband, my parents, Jessica and everyone else who made this day possible.

I got the fairy tale that I always dreamed off, I finally married my Prince. Now off to the airport for my 5* honeymoon...

What a journey! 100 days flew by and I made it...yay:

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Back @ home

PThe differences between the 5* hotel in Ibiza and my yard are not that deep...

Apart from a few little factors: 

The view

The breakfast 

The view whilst eating breakfast 

Indoor gym

Wearing a crop top without everyone boing my entire life

But at home I get this:


Wednesday, 24 July 2013

10 days to go.....

KMT, time won't slow down for nobody!!!!! Going on holiday for the next couple of days so I doubt I will be able to blog, but if its possible, I'll make it happen! 

I plan to make thorough mental notes on my trip so I can blog twice a day till I make up for the missed days...

Thanks got coming on this journey with me, this blog really had given me something to focus my attention on, when everything else around me is going crazy.

To love someone so much that you dedicate 7 months to being a completely crazy person so you can have lovely memories of your wedding a bit psycho. But love is a lol bit crazy coz it makes you do things other people will not understand...

Makda has finished her exams now....finally. So is back in gear to help me with this wedding! Glad to have you back....

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


  CThis thing I called my life started over 23 years ago and the one thing that I have learnt is that the only thing which is constant is change!

Therefore knowing that things are going to change: things will either get better or get worse....boi! So I am expecting the best but preparing for the worst!

In my 23 years I have also tried my hardest to learn from mistakes, both my own and others...BUT I still end up in butters situations! My children will learn by force... can't have this behaviour going into the next generation.

I started this post with a vision...but now I cba. Truth is way too busy to be blogging, the stuff that I need to do is clouding my mind. I'm constantly stressed out and over nothing big, it's just the many details!!!!

Monday, 22 July 2013

12 days

I am going to miss my family so much when I move out of my home. It's the most entertaining place on earth! If only my dad would agree, I would organise for us to be on a reality tv show! No joke,we would make ultimate P!!!!

we have so many different characters that it's kinda like a movie and you never really know what is going to happen next...One minute everyone's having a huge play fighting session; with people jumping on top of each minute, making up a video for YouTube!

Below is a picture of my sis Becky. In this picture she is showing the reaction people have when we let them know they are uninvited to the wedding/ on the waiting list:

Below is a picture of my sis Gifty showing what my reaction will be, when uninvited guests turn up and they have to go in the kids room coz they ain't on the list...

My sister below doing the smile I will do on the day ecause I have a seat...